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About Census

Population and Housing Census:

The population and Housing Census is Dominica’s 15th National Census. Since 1871, Dominica has set aside one day, every 10 years to conduct the Census; a count of everyone and every household on island on Census Day.

The Census provides policymakers as well as the average person, a summary of who we are, where we are and how we have changed over time. This national survey takes into account every aspect relating to population including collection, compilation, evaluation, analysis and publication of demographic, social and economic statistics.

It is essential for sound policy making, planning at various levels and other purposes. It allows for governments, private sector and many groups and organizations, students and researchers to access analyzed data for the efficient and accurate planning.

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How is census data used?

Why a Census?

We all use public services such as schools, health services, community centers and roads. These services need to be planned in such a way that they keep pace with fast-changing patterns of modern life. We need accurate information on the numbers of people, where they live and what their needs are. Every ten years the census provides a benchmark. It gives us a complete picture. It counts the numbers of people living in each community. It provides detailed information about each area and its population composition, what jobs people do, and the type of housing they live in.



The census gives us invaluable facts about:


A count of the number of people living within a community.


Data on the age and socio-economic make-up of the population, and more specifically on general health and long-term illness enables the Government to plan health and social services.


Information on housing and its occupants measures the housing stock of each community. The number of people living in a house indicated whether there is need for a new house.


The census shows how many people work in different occupations and industries throughout the country. It helps government and businesses to plan jobs and training policies and to make informed investment decisions.

Census Process
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