Summary on the population of Dominica. It includes population estimates, birth, death, fertility rates, life expectancy etc. It also provides poverty data, and household information.
- Ethnic Groups by Sex 1991 2001 and 2011
- Population by Religion 1991 2001 and 2011
- Population by Sex and Parish 2001 and 2011
- Total Number of Births 1991 to 2018
- Births by Sex 1995-2017
- Households by type of Cooking Facility 1981 1991 2001 and 2011
- Households by type of Lighting 1981 1991 2001 and 2011
- Households by type of Water Facility 1981 1991 2001 and 2011
- Households having Selected Appliances and Equipments 2001 and 2011
- Households with or Without Internet access and Internet Connection 2001 and 2011
- Percentage Distribution of Households with Vehicles 2001 and 2011
- Population and Housing Census 2011 (PDF - 3mb)
- Population and Housing Census 2011 (Preliminary) (PDF - 991)
- Population and Housing Census 2001 (PDF - 1,186)
- Population and Housing Census 1991 (PDF - 1,869)
- Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean 1990 to 1991 (PDF - 3,833)
- Population Census of the Commonwealth Caribbean 1980 to 1981 (PDF - 1,364)